Sunday, June 10, 2012

we lasted 1 whole day at home:)


Yep you read it right, by the time I took Tallin home, home we only lasted 1 night. After Tallin was released from the hospital last Tuesday (i think that's what day it was) we went to my grandmas house to give him a few extra days to recover. Tallin was doing great for the most part, he was on no oxygen and he was sleeping pretty well at night. Friday he started throwing up but didn't really seem to have any other symptoms so I jotted it off to reflex, by Saturday when he really hadn't kept anything down I kind of started to notice things were slowing becoming out of the norm for him. Saturday we celebrated Dugi's 2nd birthday so the day was super busy and we kept an eye on Tallin but still went with the reflex theory. Saturday night after everything settled down Kaj and I took the kids home and I was really excited to see the kids and soo ready to start a routine that would work for us, but that didn't happen. Sunday morning rolled around and Tallin had been a little fussy and "grunty", so I woke him up to feed him at about 10ish, (he's a late sleeper) and after I woke him up I noticed that something wasn't right. I had Kaj get me his monitor and low and behold his oxygen stats were SUPER LOW (in the 40s-50s for 2 solid minutes and then in the low 70s for another 2 minutes) by this time his color was starting to change so Kaj called my mom to ask her if she could come take me and Tal to the hospital. When my mom got to the house she took one look at Tallin and said "no way am I taking that baby in my car, we need to call 911", the ambulance was sent out along with a fire truck and 3 cop cars just in case he wasn't breathing and they needed to do emergency procedures. After Tallin started turning colors I got his oxygen tank and cranked it up so by the time the paramedics and police officers arrived he was doing much better......... Soo mommy and Tallin went for a ride in the ambulance, grandma followed behind, and dad got to stay home with the kiddo's.

Once we got to the hospital the doctor did a lumbar puncture to check for meningitis, then they did several labs which show his white blood count at being 23 (pretty high), and they did another xray where they discovered he has pneumonia.

I am pretty sure the ER doctor thinks I'm a HORRIBLE mother, when he came into the room and told me Tallin had pneumonia, I laughed, YEP LAUGHED... I honestly don't know what got into me, except for I knew if I didn't laugh I'd probably end up crying or having a TOTAL MELTDOWN so I didn't know what else to do:) to be honest it was actually a pretty funny/awkward moment! haha

anyhow getting back to Tallin, they admitted him and put him on a liter and a half of oxygen since he's desating so low. Since he is soo little and since he just got out of the hospital they don't want to take any chances with him so we will probably be here for a few days, at least.  They have already had to poke him 4 times for an IV (he has really bad veins because he's had so many) and numerous other times for labs. Everything is coming back pretty good and within the normal that they would expect for him having pneumonia. (Well everything except his glucose levels, haha, the charge nurse has been so busy tonight and when she came in to check Tallin she decided she wanted to give him more fluids. She accidentally grabbed a bag with extra glucose, so Tallin was on a SUGAR HIGH for a couple hours.. its kind of funny, totally cant hurt him and everyone makes mistakes so it doesn't really bother me at all.:) He hadn't eaten all day so when I fed him he took a FULL bottle and he did it in about 8 min, HUNGRY BOY. All in all he is looking pretty good, he is on antibiotics for the pneumonia and the doctors are hoping he only has to be here for a few days for observation. Hopefully this will be a short stay :O)

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