Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Seeking/Being the Good!

Ok so this is just a random mid week post, but If you dont know how much I LOVE TIME OUT FOR WOMEN I am going to tell you. I look forward to this convention every year!!!!!. This year will be my 4th year going and I can hardly wait. When I got the 1st email telling "me" what this years theme would be, I was SOOOO EXCITED... "SEEKING THE GOOD"!! Could there possibly be a better theme? I dont think so:) ----I felt like this theme helped quide me when Kaj and I were coming up with our family motto this year (there is joy in the journey).

 I have been thinking about the theme on and off most of the year (just as a personal goal) so when I got the email asking people to send in some of "their stories" as to how they are trying to seek the good, I decided to give it a try.. I have never really done anything like this and I am not very confident in my "writing skills". I feel like things never come across the way I want them too but I decided to give it a shot. I dont know when they pick the entry they would like to use for there website but in all honesty that is the last thing on my mind. I am soo grateful that I saw there email and that it inspired me to write down my thoughts from this year.  I am going to share my entry here so that hopefully one day I can enjoy these thoughts with my kiddo's!!



        In your own life



This year has been full of hardships for our family: From being forced to move early, to dad traveling, to welcoming baby #5 8 weeks early. My husband and I spent a lot of sleepless nights alone (while I was in the NICU with the baby, and he was out of town on business) and together wondering what lesson we were supposed to be learning during these trials. Somehow we always came to the same conclusion, these trials were so TINY compared to some of the other trials people are asked to endure. We might have been forced to leave our home but we have wonderful families that have opened there homes to us until we can move into our new home, my husband HAS a wonderful job that provides for our family and makes it possible for me to be home with our children, and one of the greatest blessings I feel is that we are able to get pregnant very easily and we now have 5 healthy, beautiful and energetic children.


 There were times in this past year that I wasn’t sure if my sweet baby Tallin would make it. There is nothing more HEART WRENCHING than watching one of your children struggle to breathe or fighting for their life but for some reason I never questioned Heavenly Father’s plan for him or for our family. I knew that even if our sweet baby Tallin were to be called home that we would be able to see him again and that I would be able to raise him from infancy one day. I look back on those days (that were not so long ago) and I remember the feelings of heart break that I felt BUT MORE than those feelings I  remember how close I felt to my Savior during those VERY LONG 2 ½ months. With 5 kids under 6 (the last 4 under 3) sometimes it’s hard for me to feel the spirit in our home. Amidst the crying, fighting and screams for attention I feel like my home lacks the spirit that I feel when I go to the Cheryl Smiths home (our AMAZING relief society president). My sweet mother has recently been reminding me that there are different “seasons” in our lives and my season right now is BABIES!! SHE IS SOOO RIGHT, there is nothing more important than raising these sweet little spirits and enduring the trials that come along with them. Somehow for me that is a constant reminder of my definition of “seeking the good”.  I feel like “seeking the good” is a state of mind you can choose to love the challenges thrown your way or you can choose to let them defeat you. LIFE IS ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE. For me and my family I am going to choose to focus on what is going right and the blessings that Heavenly Father has so graciously given to us.  There is nothing that can keep me from “seeking the good” or even “being the good” in my own life. My hope is that my children will see mine and my husband’s attitude and learn to embrace this life and “see/be the good” in every day!



-Nikki Harding-26
Draper UT

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