Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bury them up!! FHE

This weeks FHE came from the INFAMOUS, BLUE SKIES AHEAD! If you haven't ever read her blog you should definitely head over and check it out. She has soo many amazing ideas.!! (

I was kind of excited to do this lesson today, not only for the kids but for me too. I've been writing down "my journey" lately, pretty much the story of my life thus far.. It has my journey back to the church (which was a VERY LONG and HARD journey). I don't know if I will ever share it, but it has really opened my eyes this week to how far I've come and how much further I have to go. I feel very fortunate to have been where I have and still have soo many blessings. I don't know if that makes sense but there was a time in my life that I thought the life I have now was pretty much unreachable. I thought that I was "to far gone" if you know what I mean. Lucky for me the atonement and a Loving Heavenly Father made it possible for me to change my life around,  there is no such thing as TO FAR GONE.

Anyway that was a long tangent. What I was trying to say is that I realise how many things I need to work on in my life, as a mother and a wife. There may not be actual physical wars in our house but there are definitely things that happen daily that keep us from having peace in our home. (Yelling, fighting, hitting, kicking, quarrels and so forth) today's lesson is about burring up our weapons of war:) my weapon of choice is yelling, and I hate that!!

Opening prayer: Briyler

Opening song: Nephi's courage

Lesson: The story of the people of Ammon. They were once a wicked people and when they learned of Christ and decided to follow his teachings they decided to change there name to the Anti-Nephi-Lehies to set themselves apart from the lamanites. We talked to the kids about how they promised Heavenly Father that they would never shed blood again, and they buried all of their weapons of war.  They made a covenant with Heavenly Father, and even when they were being attacked by the wicked Lamanites, they would not break their promises.

I made swards for the kids and we talked about the things that we do that keep peace from being in our home. The kids each told me something they do that makes it hard for us to all get along and be happy.
Ryker said- hitting and losing his temper
Briyler said- kicking
Dugi- (with a little help from mom) said yelling and calling people "a meanie"
Mom said- yelling
 and Dad said not always listening.

Kyn was perfectly content drinking the last of Tui's bottle.

the boys and there "weapons"

before they were burried up, they were used as airplanes, flying jets and of  course actual SWORDS. Thats when we knew it was time to move on to the next part of the lesson.. 

after we wrote down our "weapons of choice" we went out back to bury them up:) Dad dug a big hole and the kids all threw there swards in.. it was a really fun activity for the kids and it was a really nice visual aid for the boys especially.

Daddy, digging our hole! Lookin good honey, lookin good!

these boys were perfectly happy burring there weapons until they found out they werent going to be able to immediatly dig them up and play with them. :)

Dessert- moms favorite (and apparently Uncle Trevor's favorite, he ate 12 of them on his own.. LITERALLY 12)  CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!!

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