Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Keeing our Families on the ROAD to Him.... Super fun FHE!!!

Last week was the first week we've missed an FHE *since I started our goal at the new year:( :( These last couple weeks have been really hard, as I've mentioned in some of my older posts, so I think I'm just gonna let last week slide and not feel to bad:)... (in my defense I worked on an FHE activity all week long and I meant to do it Friday night but forgot that Rick said he would be here for ryker this week...)

So this week for FHE I am going to use that lesson I worked on ALL last last week.. (I usually get on one of the many WONDERFUL blog sites and just use a lesson that has already been prepared and has all of the printables that I need) I know its silly but I'm kind of proud of myself for coming up with something SOO CLEVER on my own;)

This week we have been trying to talk to the kids about making good choices (we actually talk about this topic CONSTANTLY at our house) and how making good choices helps keep us on the path that leads to Heavenly Father and Eternal Life. The kids are still kind of young but I feel like they understand a lot more than I give them credit for sometimes and they have really been eating up this topic lately so i feel like NOW IS MY CHANCE to drive it home... It has always been soo important to me to teach my children about the gospel and help them to develop THEIR very own testimony of the church and its teachings. I feel like if you have a solid testimony of your OWN when life gets hard or when your in tempting situations its a little easier to remember WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU STAND FOR! I remember my teenage years and all the temptations I was faced with and I hope and pray everyday that my kids make better decisions than I did in those critical moments.

The lesson starts with reading a few quotes I found in the form of printables (this is the only part of the lesson that I got from someone else, I am SOOO NOT good at making printables... the printabels I used can be found here.http://www.alittletipsy.com/2010/05/may-visiting-teaching-handout.html)
After we read a few of these quotes we are going to do our super fun activity.

We (and by "WE" I mean Dad.. I told him what I wanted and he created it) used masking tape on our kitchen table to make the "ROAD". Then I printed out some road signs and put them up in different spots on the table, then I had dad go back and create a few "wrong turns" on our game board. I made the playing cards and questions last week so we are ready to play!! You start off by drawing a scenario card, if your kids cant read like mine then they draw the card and hand it to me and I read them there scenario. Then they get to decide if its a good or bad scenario. If its Good that means its something that is going to help us stay on the straight and narrow path that leads to Eternal Life and if its bad that means it will lead us away from Heavenly Fathers path. Once you've decided you choose the appropriate coordinating card Either a "GOOD" card or a "BAD" card and that card tells you how many "street signs" you get to move forward or backwards:) this game was a HUGE HIT for Bri and Ryker!!!

We started with our opening prayer: Briyler (because he was having a hard time being reverent)

opening song: Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, the primary colors

Activity- Keeping our Families on the Road to Him!

closing prayer: ooops :)



We read a few of these quotes before we started.

Ryker was LOVING this activity

Briyler didn't always follow the rules but he loved driving his car around on the Road

I don't remember whose turn it was but one of them is cheating:)

Briyler and his "cheese" smile

These boys have such a good time together! Best buds

Ryker loves to pose for the camera:)

Dugi and Pipa LOVE LOVE LOVE each other. They sit and play with each other all day, soo cute.

Dugi wants to drive THIS car on the road.. sure why not buddy!

Pipa is such a sweet smiley little girl!

TUI!! I know he's under a pink mobile but everything is in boxes and I don't know where the boys one is:)

How do you not love his little smile!! Melts my heart!

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