Friday, May 18, 2012

its just been a CRAPPY week and thats all there is to it!!


Yep today was one of those days, FULL OF EMOTIONS!! Its not always a bad thing to let out a good cry and today I have had my fair share of "good cries" but just when I thought I was done it hit me again, FULL FORCE !! (Even worse than this afternoon)

I left the hospital today to attend a funeral with Kaj for his sweet cousin Ryan Lott.. He was only 14 and died of a heart attack. This month has been a tough one for my in laws side of the family, another one of Kaj's Dear cousins gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, he had Trisomy 13 and only lived for a couple of hours. There is something about having to send a child home to Heavenly Father that is soo heart wrenching. I mean you know they are in a better place and that they are needed in Heaven much more then they are needed here on earth but I imagine that it doesn't make it any easier to accept. Your babies and children are not supposed to be "called home" before you are, If I could write my own rule book that would be #1!!

After the funeral I headed back to the hospital, (by this time I had ALREADY hit my limit probably even PASSED the limit for the # of tears allowed in a day), I had been calling during the day to get updates on Tallin so I kind of knew that things were getting worse but for some reason when I walked in the room (nothing had really changed with his appearance: he is still on the CPAP just a higher flow so it sounds a lot more intense, he has the feeding tube that goes straight into his intestine and then the regular monitors for his vital signs,  but for some reason I just LOST IT!!) I am  happy that he is in the best place possible for sick babies but my heart is breaking having to see him like this!! I hate seeing him struggle, I hate that he cant breath well enough on his own, I hate seeing all of these tubes attached to his body, I hate hearing the monitors go off *CONSTANTLY reminding me that he still isn't well enough to go home*, I hate that I cant cuddle him whenever I want, I HATE IT ALL!! You are not supposed to watch you children struggle like this, you are not supposed to hear a Dr say "say if he stops breathing for more than 45 seconds hook him up to the vent", or "both of your sons lungs have collapsed and we cant get the them to pop open".......... I can usually find the positive in trying times but today I don't even want to pretend there is a positive, its just been a CRAPPY week and that's all there is to it!

*Tallins update: he has had 5 chest xrays in 2 1/2 days. The top upper lobes of Tallins lungs have collapsed, his left side is worse than his right, but both sides have gotten increasingly worse every day,( I think the upper and middle lobe on the left are both collapsed as of this morning). For now they are changing the amount of pressure and oxygen that flows through the CPAP but if things don't change for the better soon, and I mean REALLY SOON, then they are going to have to put him on a ventilator and probably do some really invasive procedures to help re inflate his lungs and they might throw in a heart echo just to give me 1 more thing to worry about:) He has a disgusting amount of mucus that has to be suctioned out of his nose and throat every couple of hours and he gets poked almost daily for some kind of lab... I am REALLY hoping the xray they *just took* comes back with some kind of improvement!  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show an improvement!!


  1. Nikki, hang in there girl!!! It's all going to work out. We love you, and are keeping your family in our thoughts. Mama's know, our babies are our lives. I pray for a quick and FAST recovery!

  2. I am so sorry you have had it so rough the last few weeks. We are praying for you and your little family. It is never easy to watch your child struggle. As a parent we are suppose to be able to take away pain right? I guess that is what the savior did for us so he knows exactly how we feel as we are going through certain painful experiences. The only thing in life that ever help me is the little phrase "And this to shall pass." I tell myself this exact saying daily if not in every hour! I think back on experiences in my life and they feel so far away now.....but when you are going through them the engulf you. So hang on, and its ok to let a cry out, heck you can cry all day I would be! You are a wonderful Mother.....I am so happy I have been able to meet you, and get to know you. Your Heavenly Father loves you.....and he knows exactly what you are capable of, so keep on "swimming." Your trial and little Tallin's trial will be over soon. We will keep praying....if there is anything I mean ANYTHING I can do for you I would love to help. If you need to vent, a shoulder to cry on, food, ANYTHING you call me!
    "And this too shall pass."
    Love ya my dear! Hang on. YOu are a good Mommy! :)

  3. Amen sister! Crappy all the way around! Actually I can think of a better word but we'll keep with crappy! Thank you for coming to the funeral yesterday. It was so good to see you and Kaj there knowing your situation. You are so full of love and you are so amazing! I'm so sorry for your struggles and sorrow. We will keep you and your family in our prayers. Ya know I always thought that I NEVER wanted to know the road to PCMC but now I do and it makes me sad to think you drive it all too often too. I pray your gaurdian angels will be with you all. Stay strong.

  4. Thank you Collette! You are soo sweet to offer help, I am glad we met, I think the world of you and your family.. You just worry about you and that sweet little baby you are carrying!!
    and Melissa we woudlnt have missed the funeral for anything, we are soo glad we were able to be there and to see everyone. You guys have an AMAZING FAMILY and I feel soo blessed to be even just a small part of it:O) LOVE YOU GUYS and hope you are all doing ok.. (or at least doing as well as you can be doing in a situation like this) ALL MY LOVE!
