Monday, April 16, 2012

The BIG DAY!!! Tallin is here:O)


WELL bed rest didn't last long!!  I went into labor on MONDAY APRIL 9th 2012 and Little Tallin made his way into the world at 4:29am!!  Poor daddy had to stay home with the kids but Luckily grandma made it just in time ... I had already gotten the epidural and it ACTUALLY WORKED!! I WAS COMPLETELY NUMB,** it is really a WEIRD feeling!..... They decided that since Tallin was gonna be so early I needed to deliver in the C-section room so that they could hand Tallin through a little window straight into the NICU. I pushed maybe twice and little Tallin was born.. Little Tallin weighed 3lbs 13oz and was the cutest 32 week old baby I'v EVER seen!! I didn't get to hold him or even see him for very long but the nurses and doctors told me everything was great and he was doing surprisingly well. **I don't really remember anything about the room, but I do remember having the MEANEST Dr on the planet.. but that's another story for another day:O)  My mom said that the room was very small and very bright and it was a little scary so I'm kind of glad I don't remember much!! :)

Tallin never needed oxygen, which is totally awesome for his age and he was completely developed.. (fingernails, hair, ears and even lungs, thank you to the steroid shots) ...... since Tallin has been born things have only gone up hill, he has increased to his normal feeding level, he's been taken off the jaundice lights, he keeps his temperature (almost on his own), he sucks a binkey, and is an awesome POOPER, and he is pretty much ready to be out of the incubator... He's even started gaining weight... (he is almost back to his original birth weight and he's only 6 days old... that's pretty much unheard of for NICU babies:) He is perfect in every way and I couldn't be more thrilled that he is FINALLY HERE!!!

Since Tallin has been born I haven't left the hospital and I am SOOOOOO GRATEFUL for my mom and Kaj who have taken on the brunt of running the house and taking care of all 4 kids on there own. I know that its crazy stressful for them even though they try to hide it from me most of the time...  All they worry about is me taking the time I need to recover and being here for Tallin (which I think is a HUGE help in getting him strong enough to come home)

I couldn't possibly list everyone that has helped us through this crazy time: neighbors, friends , ward members, extended family..... and the list goes on, but I am and will be ETERNALLY grateful for all of there love and support. I know soo many women came in to help without even thinking of what a burden it would be on there own families and for that I am SOOO THANKFUL!! I really cant even imagine how much harder this would be if I didn't have so much help! I will never forget all of the service that has been done for our family during the last couple of years and with my last few pregnancies, but I promise that no matter how busy I feel like I am or how much I feel like I have on my plate, I WILL ALWAYS take the time to serve others!!! Taking a meal, watching someones kids, or cleaning someones house, these are all things that have been done for me over the last couple of months and even years... It is truly soo humbling to have others come into your home and scrub your floors and do your laundry, I will never forget how hard it was to sit and watch them work but most of all I will never forget the feeling of Heavenly Father being soo close in those moments. I'm sure they have no idea but everyone of those people felt like ANGLES that had been sent from a LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER to help get me and my family through some of the hardest times in our lives. I can feel my testimony growing on a daily basis and I feel the Saviors Love alot more frequently these days. There is no greater gift than than that.

For now mom is at the hospital and "dad" and "grandma" are holding down the fort, lets pray that little Tallin gets stronger and is able to come home sooner than later.. (for everyones sake) :O)
Dad and the "little man" seeing this is= my HEAVEN:)

Tallin a couple days old.. Tal you are a wiggly baby and the nurses can never get you to stay in your little swaddler:)

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