Yep its that time again!!! Monday night, WOO HOOO!!!.. Tonight's lesson was on Obedience and I think the boys did everything BUT be obedient today, (this lesson will be coming around again in the VERY NEAR future:o) ...... I have decided that I am not going to feel bad for not basing my FHE lessons on the book of Mormon or bible stories for this year, (that can be next years theme) this year we are gonna base our lessons on Behavior and focusing on the kind of person Heavenly Father wants us to ultimately become.. My boys really seem to struggle when it comes to attitude, behavior and pretty much anything else that is even close to one of those categories.
I am hoping it is just boys in general but my boys seem to have a really hard time being kind to each other and others. They are really rough and saying sorry or acknowledging when they are wrong doesn't come very easy to them. I think while they are still really young I really need to REINFORCE those topics so they grow up to be the Men I know they are capable of becoming. Strong, nurturing, caring, priesthood holding, service oriented, OBEDIENT.... ya know just GOOD MEN!
Ryker was really upset this weekend that he wasn't able to spend anytime with grandma and grandpa so we decided to have our lesson at grandmas house so EVERYONE could participate! :O) ***Maybe that is why the boys had a harder time listening tonight, who wants to talk about obedience at grandmas and grandpas:)
Opening prayer: Briyler
Opening song: I am a child of God, and Scripture Power
scripture story: Grandpa- Jonah and the whale (always a good story)
** flannel board story
*** There was also a fun activity using the "HAPPY" and "SAD" faces. I would say come up with a scenario and the boys would have to use there happy and sad faces to tell me if the scenario was a good one or bad one. They like to do the whole Good and Bad thing:) the game didn't last very long but I think they enjoyed it.
activity: I printed out this already prepared FHE lesson. The story that came in the lesson was about a Beacon of light and how boats relied on the lighthouse to help them find there way. I printed out a couple pictures of boats and then taped them to popsicle sticks, he boys got to run around "driving there boats" for a while. Since we couldn't find a dark enough room we decided to just have the boys close there eyes, and then try to drive there boats without "crashing" your boats into each other or any objects. When I told them they could open there eyes Kaj had the lighthouse along with a flashlight that was supposed to send out light to guide the boaters.
We then talked about how Jesus can also be a light in our life, and how if we follow his light he wont lead us astray. This lesson had a lot of activities and games that went along with it so I think we will just pick a few activities next time instead of trying to do them all:) ........... here is the link for the full printable lesson.. I LOVE THIS SITE!!
Story: We also read this story... Really good for the kids to sit and listen too, and Ryker was actually pretty interested! :) It talked about how a young girl ended up having to Light the Beacon to help her father find his way. She was really scared and she prayed and asked Heavenly Father to give her the courage to do it. After she lit the Beacon her dad was able to make it home safely and was very proud of her for being obedient.
Treat: Thank you PINTEREST!! Yummy Oreo pie, turned out a little runny but that's because i didn't have beaters :) STILL SUPER GOOD THOUGH..
**I am happy that Kaj and I were determined to have a lesson this week. I didn't prepare a lesson in advance because last week was soooo crazy and Sunday night I REALLY didn't want to stay up late working on it.... So Kaj stayed up Sunday night helping me cut out and laminate all of the pieces for this lesson, and I am sooo THANKFUL HE DID!!! (although I don't feel like the kids got as much as I would have liked for them to get out of the lesson).. I know being consistent can almost be more important than the actual lesson sometimes so I'm so grateful that we pulled it out this week. ;)
Daddy and Pipa during the lesson.. at least she's happy right;)
yep this was the ongoing silly behavior that wouldn't stop for lesson time.
I had to crop out bri's bum cause he's only wearing boxers and the picture looked a little risky.. ha
No not even Dugi sat and listened to the lesson, I don't know how we caught this photo..
believe it or not this is a FAKE smile!! He was not happy that we had to leave grandmas to come home and do homework...
"HUH MOM", Yep Dugi, I said it!!! Its time for NIGH NIGH..
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